
0001 - Poetry for the Fun of It: Elizabeth Bishop, Louise Glück, Ted Kooser
0006 - A Bourgeois Woman in Interwar France: A Reading of Thérèse Desqueyroux by François Mauriac
0015 - Cloak & Dagger, It’s a Mystery to Me
OLLI-00034 - African American Literature: Black American Short Stories (A Century of the Best)
OLLI-00039 - Irish Poetry after Yeats: From Murphy to Montague
OLLI-00048 - Banned Books
OLLI-00052 - Detective Fiction (Fall 2023)
OLLI-00056 - William B. Yeats: No Country for Old Men
OLLI-00076 - Poetry for the Fun of it: The Rise and Range of American Voices
OLLI-00086 - Reading "The Tain," Ireland's Great Epic Poem
OLLI-00088 - Race and Slavery in the Mid-Nineteenth Century US
OLLI-00092 - The Aeneid of Virgil, Part 1 (Books 1-6)
OLLI-00094 - Historical Fiction: Snapshots of the Early 20th Century
OLLI-00098 - F. Scott Fitzgerald: Jazz Age Prodigy or Troubled Soul?
OLLI-00111 - Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
OLLI-00118 - The Play's the Thing
OLLI-00119 - African American Literature: "Lost" Plays of the Harlem Renaissance (1920-1940)
OLLI-00124 - Irish Poetry after Yeats: From Montague to Mahon
OLLI-00132 - The Aeneid of Virgil, Part 2 (Books 6-12)
OLLI-00136 - Middlemarch, A Study of Provincial Life by George Eliot
OLLI-00142 - The Latin American Landscape in the Poetry of Gabriela Mistral & Pablo Neruda: Paradise Lost and Imagined
OLLI-00144 - An Introduction to the Mahabharata
OLLI-00169 - Haunted by Waters
OLLI-00175 - Cloak & Dagger, It's a Mystery to Me - Missouri Authors
OLLi-00178 - Literary Fiction: Story with Sense of Place and a Hint of Science
Olli-00079 - African American Literature: Children of the Night, The Best Short Stories 1967 to Present
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