
Registration deadline: June 7th 15 CEUs/CPH units People who join non-profit agencies typically value the opportunity to contribute to a mission as well as the monetary benefits. But they also value being valued and working in a great culture. An unengaging culture can lead to lower performance and higher turnover. How does an agency build an engaging and high-performing culture? Participants in this class will explore research regarding employee engagement and compare commonly used employee engagement strategies. We will develop selection and onboarding strategies, applying concepts from two contemporary how-to books related to engagement. By the close of the class, participants will have developed a plan of action for the agency in which they work or a simulated agency. Class size is limited to 24. $650 General admission** **Available discount class code may be entered during check out for the following: SI001 - $450 Non-profit/government employees (1st Summer Institute class) SI002 - $400 Non-profit/government employees (Additional Summer Institute classes) This class will include both degree-seeking graduate students and practicing professionals. Individuals registering through Professional Development will receive continuing education units - but not academic credit - for the class. Recommended reading purchase of https://www.amazon.com/Love-Em-Lose-Getting-People/dp/160994884X" target="_blan and https://www.amazon.com/Languages-Appreciation-Workplace-Organizations-Encouraging/dp/0802461980/ref=sr_1_1's=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1520540276&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=five+languages+of+appreciation+in+the+workplace" target="_blan is optional.
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