
Preferred registration deadline: January 10th 3 CEUs This workshop will examine suicidal ideation among school aged children. We will review the clinical epidemiology of suicidal ideation and gain insight into many contexts, from benign to serious, in which thoughts of suicide may be expressed. Participants will review the inter-relationship of child family systems and discuss the normative family system's range of responses to child suicidal ideation, that is to be expected, accepted and managed. We will practice assessing and respondingto school age suicidal ideation to improve your ability to differentiate between serious and benign clinical situations,with discussion about next clinical practice steps in each scenario. This class meets the Missouri requirement for at least 2 CEUs in suicide continuing education each licensure period. General Admission: $60** Class size is limited to 45. **Discounts on workshop admission are offered to the Brown School’s students, alumni, and field instructors. We also offer a discount to full-time graduate students in other programs and to our Washington University faculty/staff colleagues. No other discounts are available. Admission discounts apply automatically in your cart, based on your profile in our registration software.
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