
Preferred registration deadline: February 21st 3 CEUs/CPH units When program evaluation and performance measurement strategies are based upon your organization’s deeply held beliefs and closely mirror your program’s theory and design, several important things happen. First, your measurement strategies and data become more meaningful and more useful because they relate directly to your program’s mission and vision: the data reflect the success your team cares most about. Second, your measurement efforts and data become more manageable because they are more closely aligned and integrated with your key operations. This workshop will introduce and allow you to practice an intuitive six-step thought process for articulating your intentions and translating them into meaningful and manageable measurement strategies. When you implement the strategies, you will be able to describe your success in clear and compelling ways and use your data for improvement and learning, not just reporting. General Admission: $60** Class size is limited to 40. **Discounts on workshop admission are offered to the Brown School’s students, alumni, and field instructors. We also offer a discount to full-time graduate students in other programs and to our Washington University faculty/staff colleagues. No other discounts are available. Admission discounts apply automatically in your cart, based on your profile in our registration software.
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