
Preferred registration deadline: July 24th 3 CEUs Exposure to complex trauma can result in long-term impact for survivors, including pervasive interpersonal difficulties. Effectively addressing these issues in treatment can pose unique challenges, even for experienced clinicians. This workshop is designed to provide an in-depth exploration of some of the advanced clinical issues surrounding the treatment of interpersonal difficulties in adults with complex trauma. We will explore the etiology of interpersonal difficulties in adults with complex trauma, review assessment measures, and discuss evidence-based psychotherapy interventions. The workshop will be comprised of lecture, discussion in break-out groups, and clinical application exercises. Participants will be introduced to on-line resources to augment workshop content. General Admission: $60** Class size is limited to 35. **Discounts on workshop admission are offered to the Brown School’s students, alumni, and field instructors. We also offer a discount to full-time graduate students in other programs and to our Washington University faculty/staff colleagues. No other discounts are available. Admission discounts apply automatically in your cart, based on your profile in our registration software.
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