
Preferred registration deadline: March 6th 3 CEUs/CPH units When an employee is not meeting job expectations, any number of factors may be the cause. The reason for poor performance and its likely duration are key factors in sound decisions about how a manager might best respond. This workshop you will give you greater ability to diagnose the root cause of employee low performance and take appropriate action to help the employee improve or move on. We will practice skills in diagnosing problems of skill vs. will and other root causes of performance problems. Learn how to develop coaching plans for staff who are low performing and practice the conversations you need to have in implement a coaching plan. General Admission: $60**   Class size is limited to 28. **Discounts on workshop admission are offered to the Brown School’s students, alumni, and field instructors. We also offer a discount to full-time graduate students in other programs and to our Washington University faculty/staff colleagues. No other discounts are available. Admission discounts apply automatically in your cart, based on your profile in our registration software.
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