
Preferred registration deadline: January 10th 3 CEUs Women are bombarded with images of parenting that project a perfect ideal. Even among the most devoted and skilled mothers, doubt creeps in, causing them to carry a nagging sense of "not good enough." In this interactive workshop, we will unpack widespread cultural messages about parenting and womanhood, as well as explore the impact that unchecked maternal perfectionism can have on both women and their children. Informed by research on neuropsychology, we will learn and practice tools that help women strive for a new ideal: wholehearted parenting. We will cultivate a new lens and practices for parenting that foster growth and resiliency in our children - and their moms. You will walk away with concrete tools to help women find or reclaim self-compassion, confidence and joy in their own paths as parents. General Admission: $60** Class size is limited to 28. **Discounts on workshop admission are offered to the Brown School’s students, alumni, and field instructors. We also offer a discount to full-time graduate students in other programs and to our Washington University faculty/staff colleagues. No other discounts are available. Admission discounts apply automatically in your cart, based on your profile in our registration software.
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