
Preferred registration deadline: Sept. 15

3 CEs/CPH units

Learn how to use Microsoft Excel to manage, analyze, and report data effectively. This course is designed for professionals seeking to advance their skills in data modeling, transformation, and dashboard creation. Ideal for individuals in non-profits, government agencies, foundations, academic institutions, and other data-driven fields, this course focuses on leveraging Excel to measure outcomes and inform decision-making effectively. Participants will explore best practices for using Excel, including determining when it is the appropriate tool and how to leverage features like Data Model, PowerPivot, Power Query, PivotTables, Slicers, and PivotCharts. Additionally, participants will learn to design and build dashboards tailored for different audiences and scenarios. The instructors bring extensive expertise in program evaluation, the course incorporates real-world data examples, scenarios, and case studies to provide a practical learning experience.

This is an interactive synchronous distance learning course via Zoom.

General Admission: $65**
**Eligible discounts can be applied during checkout.

Class size is limited to 40.

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Course Outline

Content Level: Intermediate

Target Audiences

  • Participants who have completed a basic Excel workshop (Leveraging the Power of Excel for Your Program’s Data & Reporting Needs offered on August 15, 2025).
  • Excel users with basic skills who want to become more proficient in data exploration, analytics, and data visualization.
  • Individuals work in program evaluation, public health, non-profits, social service agencies, or academic institutions, seeking practical tools to streamline data analysis workflows and improve reporting.


  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Overview of Objectives and Intro Scenarios
  • Transforming and Manipulating Data with Power Query
  • Intro to Power Query
  • Importing data
  • Cleaning and Reshaping (handling common challenges)
  • Linking Datasets & Building Data Models
  • Understanding Data Relationships
  • Techniques for Linking Datasets
  • Working with PivotTables
  • Create Basic visualizations
  • Intro to step to improve data visuals
  • Create sparkline and PivotCharts
  • Connect charts to PivotTables
  • Build an Interactive Dashboard
  • Intro to dashboard layout
  • Create a slicer and timeline
  • Steps to make the dashboard user-friendly before sharing

Learner Outcomes

  • Understand and apply techniques for linking datasets and sheets in Excel to efficiently manage program evaluation data, including the use of PivotTables and combining multiple datasets.
  • Develop skills in transforming and manipulating data in Excel with Power Query, including addressing challenges such as missing data and handling fields with multiple responses (e.g., survey items with multiple selections), to prepare datasets for effective analysis.
  • Create basic visualizations in Excel, such as sparklines, bar and pie charts to effectively support data storytelling.
  • Create interactive dashboards by leveraging Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts in Excel to connect dynamically with your analyzed data.

Course Completion Requirements:

The Brown School is an approved provider of Social Work CEs in Missouri and Illinois. To earn credit, attendees must arrive at the scheduled time, attend the entire course, and complete an online course evaluation. You may still qualify for partial Social Work Missouri and Illinois CEs if you miss part of the training. CE Certificates will be available online within 10 business days of course completion by visiting your learner profile at https://ce.wustl.edu/portal/logon.do?method=load&parentSite=brown.  You will receive an email notification with specific instructions for accessing the online certificate when it is available.

For more information about CEs, accessibility, refund/cancelation policy, our grievance policy or other inquiries please visit our About Us page or email brownprofdev@wustl.edu.


Basic experience with Microsoft Excel functionality and general computer use is recommended. Mac users are welcome but note that the Excel interface varies across platforms. Participation in Leveraging the Power of Excel for Your Program’s Data & Reporting Needs offered on August 15, 2025, is recommended but not required.
Section Title
Optimize Reporting with Excel: Data Models and Dashboards
1:00PM to 4:00PM
Sep 19, 2025
Schedule and Location
  • Online
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
General Admission non-credit $65.00
Drop Request Deadline
Sep 16, 2025
Transfer Request Deadline
Sep 16, 2025
Section Notes

Course Interaction & System Recommendations: This live Zoom course is fully interactive. Attendees may ask and answer questions throughout the presentation and participate in instructor-led discussions.
System recommendations:

  • Operating Systems: Windows 10 or higher, macOS X with macOS X (10.11) or later.
  • Internet Browser: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, or Edge - all within 2 versions of the current release.
  • Broadband Internet connection: Cable, High-speed DSL & any other medium that is Internet accessible.
  • A full list of Zoom recommendations can be found on the Zoom Support website.
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