BRWN-01008 - Integrating Self-Report Scales into Clinical Practice to Evaluate Interventions: Using Data to Determine If Your Interventions Work
Preferred registration deadline: February 28th
3 CEs
Social Workers are committed to making a difference and want to employ the most expedient approach to maximize impact, but how do we know we are working on our clients' most salient issues? How will we be able to assess and evaluate our progress repeatedly and reliably?
This workshop explores the administration and use of Single System Design to evaluate social work practice and projects. Two case examples are included and this course itself will be evaluated as a real-time example of using simple SSD questionnaires. There will be an opportunity to practice self-administering and scoring one of the survey instruments. The workshops includes a review of the following evaluation tools: 0-10 Rating Scales, Likert scales, Beck’s depression Inventory, Locus of Control, Workplace Inclusion Scale, Hudson’s Clinical Measurement Package, and Mental Well-being from the Sapien Labs mental health questionnaire. You will leave prepared to administer these evaluation packages in your practice and projects.
This is an in-person workshop that will be held on Washington University’s Danforth Campus. The exact location and direction will be emailed to registered participants before the course date.
General Admission: $65**
**Eligible discounts can be applied during checkout.
Class size is limited to 45
Course Outline
Content Level: Beginner
Target Audiences: social workers, counselors, public health workers, and other mental health workers
- Welcome and introductory survey of participants (15 min)
- Single System Design (SSD) tools and examples (120 min)
- Simple Likert (summative) Scales examples
- Beck's Depression Inventory and Hamilton Depression Scale
- Locus of Control
- Hudson’s Clinical Measurement Package
- Example of use in a Family therapy session
- Example of use in university-level Leadership Course
- Workplace Inclusion Scale
- Mental Wellbeing Questionnaire. State of the World Report
- Practice and Discussion (40 min)
*A 5-minute break will occur approximately halfway through the workshop.
Learner Outcomes
- Participants will be able to identify various types of assessment tools for evaluating the situations that clients are confronted with.
- Participants will be able to use Single System Design tools to evaluate the areas of concern such as depression, self-esteem, peer relations, family relations, marital satisfaction, child’s attitude to parents, parent’s attitude towards the child, and evaluate the magnitude of the concern in a reliable and repeatable manner.
- Participants will be able to monitor their practices systematically and evaluate how effective and efficient we are in our practices.
Course Completion Requirements:
The Brown School is an approved provider of Social Work CEs in Missouri and Illinois. To earn credit, attendees must arrive at the scheduled time, attend the entire course, and complete an online course evaluation. You may still qualify for partial Social Work Missouri and Illinois CEs if you miss part of the training. CE Certificates will be available online within 10 business days of course completion by visiting your learner profile at You will receive an email notification with specific instructions for accessing the online certificate when it is available.
For more information about CEs, accessibility, refund/cancelation policy, our grievance policy or other inquiries please visit our About Us page or email